We are a family firm founded in 2005 and currently run by a father-daughter team, 约翰和贾思敏·迪鲁奇. We are a full-service 会计 firm that provides 税 return and planning services, 税务解决服务, 和记帐.
Our business model centers long-term communicative relationships with our clients so we can maximize value. We specialize in working with both clients with 税 issues to resolve as well as business owners who need regular 会计 and 税 services.
We assist new and current business owners in choosing the right 税 entity. DiLucci 注册会计师 Firm handles all types of business and individual 税 returns in Dallas, TX(及周边地区),这样你就可以专注于你的业务, 包括合伙企业的纳税申报表, C及S公司, 单一成员有限责任公司, 你的个人回报. 也, we take care of both Federal and State 税 filings as well as foreign filing requirements.
了解财务数据对任何企业来说都是必不可少的. Our financial experts 在DiLucci 注册会计师 Firm use historical financial data to assess your company’s current and future performance and make recommendations about how your business can be more profitable.
在迪鲁奇会计师事务所, 全球官网电子游戏知道最好的策略,以保持您的税收账单小, 同时帮助你避免昂贵的罚款. Our certified 税 experts will help you implement 税 planning strategies that will set you up for a successful, 压力更小, end of the year and allow you to file your business 税es with confidence.
DISCLAIMER: This site provides educational information only and does not constitute professional 税 advice. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form. DiLucci 注册会计师 Firm is not a law firm and no employees are acting in the capacity as an attorney, 而是以注册会计师或EA的身份行事. There is no attorney-client relationship being formed for the practice of law, and there is no attorney-client privilege for communications with the firm or any individual member of the firm.